
Dr. Marius Fodor

Dr. Marius Fodor

General Surgery
Vascular Surgery

Dr. Marius Fodor, PhD in medical sciences, specialist in vascular surgery and primary care physician in general surgery, attended training courses both in Romania and in the USA – UCLA California and in Israel – Haifa Medical Center – training in laparoscopic surgery.

Primary physicianVascular Surgery / Primary physicianGeneral Surgery.

The combination of Dr. Marius Fodor’s two specialties (general surgery and vascular surgery) has made it possible to perform complex operations using modern minimally invasive techniques. Dr. Marius Fodor is one of the very few Romanian doctors who has also obtained the CermaVein certification of Dr. Rene Milleret for the use of the SVS method (steam method of treating varicose veins – varicose veins).

