Sinusitis, a common upper respiratory disease, affects millions of people worldwide. This disease involves inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the sinuses and nose, often leading to symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches and sinus pressure. Understanding the causes of this disease and the benefits of functional rhinosplasty can provide valuable insight into the management and treatment of this condition.

Causes of Rhino-Sinus Disease

Infections: The most common cause of rhinosinusitis is infection, whether viral, bacterial or fungal. These infections can block the sinuses and cause inflammation.

Allergies: Allergies can trigger inflammatory reactions in the sinuses and nasal passages, causing typical symptoms of rhinosinusitis.

Deviated septum: Deviated nasal septum can obstruct the nasal passages, affecting normal sinus drainage and leading to recurrent infections.

Nasal Polyps: The growth of polyps in the nose can block the airway and contribute to the symptoms of rhinosinusual disease.

Environmental Factors: Pollution, cigarette smoke and sudden changes in temperature can irritate the nasal mucosa and aggravate symptoms.

Benefits of Functional Rhinoplasty

Functional rhinosplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects deviations of the nasal septum and other structural abnormalities in the nose. The benefits of this surgery include:

Improved Breathing: Correcting the deviated septum makes it easier to breathe through the nose, thereby reducing dependence on oral breathing and improving quality of life.

Reducing Sinus Infections: By improving sinus drainage, rhinosplasty can reduce the frequency and severity of sinus infections.

Alleviation of Headaches and Sinus Pressure: Patients often report a significant reduction in headaches and post-procedural sinus discomfort.

Relief of Allergic Symptoms: Although not an allergy treatment, correcting structural problems can reduce the impact of allergic symptoms on the nasal passages.

Improved Sleep: Patients with deviated septum may suffer from sleep apnea or shortness of breath at night. Rhinosupplementation may help to provide a more restful sleep.

Aesthetic Appearance: Although the primary goal is functional, rhinosplasty can also bring aesthetic improvements to the nasal profile.

In conclusion, rhinosinususal diseases can have multiple causes, and functional rhinosupplementation offers an effective solution to relieve symptoms and improve patients’ quality of life. It is essential that patients speak with an ENT specialist to determine the best course of action for their specific needs.

Our experience

At VenArt Clinic we have over 10 years of experience with outstanding results in endoscopic rhinosinusoral surgery. These results are the result of a long effort and collaboration between the ENT and cosmetic surgery departments, Dr. Iuliu Cătană and Dr. Claudiu Filip having a remarkable interdisciplinary surgical experience. Together they have developed this segment of minimally invasive surgery with absolutely remarkable results, both aesthetic and functional.

To benefit from our expertise, schedule your appointment at the VenArt clinic.